Sunday, November 25, 2012

1 year Anniversary!

It is official, I have been blogging for a year! My first post was on Sunday Nov 20th 2011.

"....I am hoping by writing some of my hopes and dreams I fully realize how important they really are to me and it encourages me to strive to continue to follow my ambitions. In the meantime I hope you will find some entertaining antic-dotes about raising chickens, traveling, reading, and coming to grips with who I am. I hope that by writing my story down, you may participate in it. In a world of instant gratification and instant information, it will encourage me to write when I remind myself that I will be able to slow down and, after time, look back on the experiences that I write about...."
 I hope that you have enjoyed checking out this site as much as I have enjoyed working on it. It definitely makes it easier for me to look back and see all the wonderful things that I have done over the last year as well as the trials.

As always, thanks for stopping by :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tea Shelf

A while back I started a project of building a rack for our massive tea collection we have. I proceeded to get super frustrated and left it alone for probably 3 or 4 months out of sheer aggravation  I have learned that poly shades is NOT for me.
Anyway, it is finally complete! I made it fit along an empty stretch of wall and tried to match the stain as best I could... It's not perfect, but it gets the job done :)

I made dado cuts in the support piece( the left side) and then just used wood glue (and sometimes a hammer) to set the shelves into place. It is attached to the wall with two screws on tiny L brackets at the top an bottom. Each shelf can hold one standard tea box facing at 180deg or two boxes at 90deg (second from the top shelf). Easy access and adds some color to the room!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Final Appointment

In all the excitement about Betty I forgot to mention my last Dr appointment for my ACL! The Dr seemed very happy with my outcome. But even more than that, I am happy with my outcome. There are still a few things I cannot do but I have high hopes that in time I will be able in time. The Dr encouraged me to make an appointment if I ever felt instability, but otherwise I was doing great. The physical therapist told me that swelling would be there for 9 months to a year since I wasn't having the surgery so I still have quite a while till the injury is healed. The more reading I do, the more convinced I am that I made the correct choice. While it may not be the right choice for everyone, I think it will work for me. So many of the reconstruction surgeries fail within ten years anyway, that if I do end up needing surgery down the road, I'm not paying for it twice. There is also a new front of medicine called the regenerative matrix that is making some headway in the nonsurgical repair of torn ACLs that maybe in ten or fifteen years may be a viable option for human patients. Here's to hoping for that!