Thursday, January 12, 2012

Seeing Red

Ever heard the phrase "seeing red"? As in being so upset you have lost all notions of reason beyond killing someone or something. Going crazy. Loosing it. You know. Anyway, the phrase applies equally to bulls... or chickens. When a chicken sees blood, it will peck what ever is bleeding to death (given the time and the scope of things of course).

Well or course it is Betty my lap chicken who got plucked on. My hens rip each others feathers out rather regularly (I think it is something of a past time for them) Well one pluck went to far and Betty got a bloody wound. When I discovered it after work I separated her from the rest (by letting her into the garage while everyone else was confined to stay in the coop part of the garage). I gave her food and water and she seemed perfectly unconcerned with her new arrangement and absolutely was begging for treats.

I went back out later, after the automatic lights in the coop went out to see where she had roosted for the night. They say chickens will roost as high as they can possibly get. Well this was no exception! It took me a minute to find her when I walked into the garage. do you see her? :)

Anyway by morning she had nicely formed scabs so I let her back in with the rest of the flock after caking some mud on her back to further protect the site. 

All is well in the hen house again. 

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