Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bread and GMO's

I baked my first ever loaf of bread last night! It turned out excellent! The outside was nice and crispy and the inside was moist and soft. It was a beautiful thing. My new bread maker is my new favorite appliance. Well, it's my only new appliance. Well, its actually not even new. Dan scavenged it from the lunch room at his work. Apparently it have been sitting there for years looking for a home. Well it's mine now! I cannot wait to try out more recipes in it. Hopefully this will move me towards my goal of eating only non-GMO food. I will be able to buy GMO free flours to start and go from there. Here is my loaf of bread!

If you are not familiar with the phrase GMO you should be. GMO is the short term applied to a food that has a "genetically modified organism". The companies making these GMO's (namely a corporation called Monsanto) are actively telling the public these foods are safe and the good traits and benefits far outweigh any other issues. Monsanto also told us that some of their other creations -DDT (what killed off all the bald eagles among other animals) and Agent Orange (the defoliant used in Vietnam) were safe before people and animals started dying from exposure. Many European countries have started banning GMO crops. And it is the direction our country needs to move. The problem is that Monsanto is one of the biggest companies in the world, its based in St Louis, MO and Monsanto employees are scattered all throughout our government. It is easy to make sure your modified foods pass inspection when you run your own tests. These foods are slowly but surely being linked to the massive decline (called commonly colony collapse disorder) in honey bees. The ruin of honey bees is the ruin of us. Strategically and in true monsanto fashion they purchased the company who started to point the finger at the GMO's causing the decline in bees. No matter how magical a crop, it needs bees.  Want some more info?

I'll get off my soapbox now :)

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